How many drinks did your pet consume this festive season

How many drinks did your pet consume this festive season

How many drinks did your pet consume this festive season We commonly get asked the question; ‘how much should my pet drink?’ It could be because as owners sometimes we feel our pet hasn’t drunk enough, but it is also frequently asked when a pet seems to drink more....
How serious is vomiting in dogs

How serious is vomiting in dogs

How serious is vomiting in dogs What causes vomiting? Vomiting in dogs is not a disease but a symptom of many different diseases.  Many cases of vomiting are self-limiting after a few days.  Less commonly, vomiting may result from a serious illness, such as...
How to collect a Urine sample from your pet

How to collect a Urine sample from your pet

How to Collect a Urine Sample from Dogs In dogs it can be relatively easy to collect a urine sample, at least it can be with a co-operative patient! The best starting point is to get a collection device. I have seen a soup ladle used to great effect especially in...
How to keep pets calm during fireworks

How to keep pets calm during fireworks

How to keep pets calm during fireworks Is your dog afraid of loud noises? It is not uncommon for dogs and other pets to be afraid of loud noises like thunderstorms or fireworks. Most commonly, pets will show signs of anxiety when they hear loud noises and highly...
How To Train Your Puppy

How To Train Your Puppy

How To Train Your Puppy It is very exciting getting a new puppy or dog to add to your family. Good communication between you and your dog will build a strong relotionship for life. To help you get started we’ve popped together some ideas on how to train a new...