Allergy Season Information

Skin Support
Allergy Season! It’s upon us again! Here is a bit of allergy season information for you.
Many pets will have skin conditions which are allergy based. This can be an allergy to fleas (flea bite hypersensitivity), grasses or dust mites (contact allergies), foods (less common) or Atopy – a syndrome where pets are allergic to every day things including the above due to a barrier/skin dysfunction. These pets often have chronic/multiple ear/eye/skin infections. This skin dysfunction is primarily/reduction in or lack of protective oils in the skin.
Support for these animals is a three-pronged approach.
A. Treat the infection/inflammation
If you pet currently has serve redness, lumps/bumps, cuts from self scratching which have become inflamed and infected, this needs to be address first
– Antibiotic course if heavily infected wounds
– Topical Antibiotic/Cortisone cream
– Possibly oral cortisone depending on the severity
B. Treat the environment
If your pet has a food allergy (usually a meat protein), it is recommended to do a food trial with specially designed non-allergen food
If your pet has a flea allergy, treat the pet with a spot-on or oral monthly flea treatment and even consider daily flea tablets (Capstar) for heavy infestations.
Cleaning the environment of flea eggs/larvae/pupae is 95% of the work, by weekly HOT wash (>55’C) everything you can that the pet is in contact with and then thoroughly vacuuming everything else. Don’t forget the seat in the car and even your floorboards and around the architraves.
If your pet ahs a contact allergy, avoid grasses especially in Spring and Summer, as much as possible
C. Treat the barrier (skin)
Depending on the severity of the contact allergy or atopy, you can do some or all of these points. The further down the list you go, the more severe the allergy.
a) Keep flea prevention up to date. Atopy pets are even hypersensitive to fleas.
b) Weekly WATER wash to remove allergens from the coat. Followed always by a leave in conditioner with Aloe Vera/Oatmeal/Ceramides. Never wet the head, risk ear infections.
c) Fish oil in/on their food. Small pet 500mg, Medium pet 1000mg, Large pet 1500mg, per day
d) Foot licking – try NIGHTLY water washes of feet only à leave in conditioner on feet
e) IF you really must wash your pet in shampoo, ONLY a shampoo with Aloe Vera/Oatmeal/Ceramides and then the leave in conditioner. ANY shampoo strips oil from the skin so don’t over bathe your pet!
f) Unperfumed Sorbelene on their bare bits/feet in the MORNING as a film barrier may help..
g) Cortavance Spray ONCE daily for max 7 days in a row. Less is more. Spray on the affected areas following the package instructions. Use a Chux cloth to wipe spray on feet.
h) Oral cortisone for flare up days.
If you think your pet is suffering from a skin allergy or you would like some help treating your pet, contact us on 9707 3855 or send us an email.