Dangerous foods for pets at Easter

Easter Ingestion Hazards

There are many dangerous foods for pets and with Easter just around the corner we’ve put together some important information on what hazards and foods to be aware of and how to avoid a serious incident occurring.

Dangers of Chocolate for Dogs and Cats

Many of us are aware that chocolate is extremely dangerous if dogs are to ingest it however there are some things that you may not have heard of.

Did you know that if a 15kg dog ingests 260gm milk chocolate egg, they will display symptoms of chocolate toxicity? These include increased heart rate, tremors, seizures and extreme hyperactivity. If a 10kg dog eats the same amount of milk chocolate they risk severe toxicity symptoms of seizures, tremors, coma and potentially could lead to the dog passing away.


Cats require even a lesser amount to suffer from ingestion of chocolate. The darker the chocolate the higher the risk of death. This is due to an ingredient in the chocolate called “Theobromine” which is derived from cocoa beans to create the chocolate, this is what is toxic to dogs and cats. Chocolate toxicity is less common in cats as the smell and taste of chocolate is unappealing to them. Most white chocolate does not contain theobromine, although may contain cocoa solids, along with the high butter and sugar content, these are likely to cause stomach upset or pancreatitis and some animals may require hospitalization.


If your pet does accidently get their paws on a chocolatey treat, please contact our clinic immediately on 9707 3855 to see what action to take. Do not wait for signs of illness as this can often be too late to take evasive action!


Dangerous Foods To Be Careful Of

Other dangerous foods for pets at Easter are Hot Cross Buns. Hot Cross Buns pose a danger to animals due to the sultana and raisin content. These tasty Easter treats are delicious for us but can lead to kidney failure and severe sickness for pets, even if only a small amount is consumed. When animals ingest sultanas, raisins and grapes they can display symptoms of vomiting, lethargy and diarrhoea within 12 hours. Some animals may be more susceptible than others to kidney failure and require emergency treatment and need to be hospitalized having their kidney function monitored for up to 72 hours.


If you’re having a get together over Easter with BBQ food items such as sausages, please be careful. These are a “no go zone” for dogs and cats as tasty meaty treats are full of fatty products that can cause great tummy upsets, vomiting, diarrhoea and pancreatitis in pets, and are best avoided. Don’t be tempted to feed left over scraps to our furry friends.


Easter Packaging Dangers

The packaging from Easter eggs (foil/plastic) or leftovers from Easter celebrations smell great and if your pet is inclined to chew or eat these, they may run the risk of intestinal blockages. Make sure the wrappers make it into the rubbish bin and that dogs are not included in the traditional Easter egg hunt!


Other Easter Hazards

The season of autumn brings the arrival of the Lily, a very popular choice of flower in most bouquets. Many varieties of lily are potentially harmful to pets if licked or ingested, particularly those belonging to the “Lilium species” such as the Orange Day Lily or Easter Lily. But also, the “Hemerocallis species” or Day lily are extremely toxic to cats. These flowers will cause abnormal heartbeat, vomiting, convulsions, coma, renal failure and death if left untreated after ingestion of the flower or leaves. It has been found that as little of two flower petals from a lily has caused the death of a cat who had eaten them.

If you have any further questions or if you need assistance if an incident occurs, please contact our team on 9707 3855.

The staff at The Berwick Village Vet wish you all a very happy and safe Easter break!

If you’re after some more resources and information check out our news articles or email our team.