The Berwick Village Vet Newsletter January 2019

New puppy or kitten for Christmas

Christmas is a common time for people to add a new family member. Did you know The Berwick Village Vet offers free Puppy and Kitten checks? (aged 3 – 5 months)

It is always a good idea to have your new pet checked by the veterinarian within the first few days of them arriving at home. This ensures that the pet you have adopted is in good health and also gives an opportunity to discuss any healthcare concerns you may have.

We can also provide advice on diet and general care such as the best flea and worm treatments available, pet insurance and training for your new pet.

If you have recently adopted a new pup or kitten book today for your free consultation on 9707 3855.

Hot weather problems for pets

As now the weather is heating up precautions are needed so our pets don’t suffer from heatstroke or burns. Smaller caged animal are more susceptible to the heat and struggle to maintain body temperatures
Pets that are overweight, have medical conditions such as heart issues or are of a brachycephalic breed such as Pugs or Persians are also more likely to struggle and need extra precautions taken to ensure they are ok.

Do not walk your dog on days of extreme heat. If you cannot rest the back of your hand on the pavement outside fo more than 4 seconds then it is too hot for a walk. Dogs can suffer from burns on their paw pads.

The only way dogs and cats can cool themselves is by panting, they do not have sweat glands and struggle to cool their bodies efficiently. Ensure access to fresh water and shade for pets at all times of the day.

Symptoms of heat stroke are listed below and if you think your pet has been affected by heatstroke ACT QUICKLY. Heatstroke can become life threatening to the animal within 10-15 minutes.

Heat stroke Symptoms:
Lethargy, inattentiveness or lack of coordination, excessive drooling, excessive panting, brick red or purple gums, increased body temp, vomiting or diarrhoea, increase heart rate and pulse, collapse, unconsciousness and even death.

Do keep your pet well hydrated and never leave in the car unattended, temperatures can rise quickly within seconds in a car.

If you think that your pet is suffering from the heat, SEEK veterinary attention immediately! Do apply cool water all over dog, inner thighs and abdomen and foot pads. (NOT ICE WATER) this can make the dogs temperature rise. Use an air conditioner or use an air conditioned car for transportation. Do not submerge the pet in water and do not cover with wet towels or blankets as this will entrap the heat.

Hotspot a Summer sore

A hot spot is an area of moist, raw, inflamed skin and is usually quite itchy and irritating for a dog. The medical term is acute moist dermatitis or pyotraumatic dermatitis.

A hotspot will generally occur around the neck .head or around the rump and sometimes on the trunk of the dog. Particular breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Labradors, and Rottweilers are more prone to developing a hot spots.

Hot spots start as an itch or incessant scratching or licking by the dog which then will lead to raw damaged skin, the skin then oozes serum which causes matting of the hair. The wound on the skin surface promotes bacterial growth, which can make the hot spot even itchier and more irritated.
Hotspots can be triggered by flea infestation, ear infections, allergies or from the dogs coat remaining damp after being in water. They are quick to develop and can progress within a matter of hours. Treatment is recommended as soon as they are noticed as the inflamed skin will rapidly spread.

Treatment starts with clipping away the matted hair over the hot spot. This reveals the extent of the lesion and will allow the area to dry out. Cleaning with a mild antiseptic then aids in removing the discharge and surface bacteria. A topical antibiotic/anti-inflammatory cream may then be applied to clean and soothe the lesion.  Depending on the severity of the hotspot antibiotics and anti inflammatories may be prescribed to resolve deeper infection

Did you know
The fingerprints of koalas are so humanlike, in the past they have been mistaken for a person’s at a crime scene!


Posted on

February 22, 2019